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Paysera takes off to visit all its offices around the world. On foot


Recently, Paysera partnered with the Walk15 step-counting app and set out to visit all of its 15 offices across the world. 

Around 150 employees will participate in the internal company challenge and will together try to reach a 57 million step-count. As the challenge continues for two months, each participant will aim to walk around 7000 steps per day – slightly more than 5 kilometres.

15 offices 🌍

Although Paysera was initially a Lithuanian-born company and its HQ is located in Vilnius, today it has clients from all over the world. Meanwhile, Paysera Network partners and employees are located in 15 different countries, which the team will virtually visit during the challenge (that’s where our goal of 57 million steps comes from, it’s all calculated!).

The challenge will start in Colombia and will then go to Spain, Algeria, Kosovo, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Russia, Bangladesh, and the Philippines.

Team building during the quarantine 😷

After the pandemic hit the world last year, large companies, especially those working from offices, moved to working from home. Many people stuck to this practice even after the infection numbers dropped and it soon became the new normal.

As a result, teams had to find ways to maintain the community spirit together while avoiding physical gatherings, limiting travelling, and looking for alternatives that work in the challenging conditions that differ across countries.

Some turned to online degustation, others – video games or Zoom parties. In Paysera, we always try to encourage a healthy lifestyle and like to try out various sports from golf to go-karts, tennis, and kayaking – all of which we did monthly before the quarantine. And so, this year we opened a gym for the employees where they can exercise individually, and also equipped several offices with VR headsets that can be taken home and enjoyed with the family or other closed circles.


However, lately, we have been really longing for more connection - so the Walk15 company challenge was just what we were looking for. The rules are simple. Employees form virtual teams and try to get the highest step count to become the top walkers of the company. And while this modest competition takes place – we also try to reach a common goal as a company – to get a certain amount of steps to visit our offices on foot. Even if just virtually.

Although we have just started, the competition already helped us to get to know each other better – who is a dog owner, who likes running, who is super competitive, and who takes way too many coffee breaks during work hours β˜•οΈ Just kidding.

Participants actively share pictures of their favourite walking locations, hold meetings while walking or walk on a treadmill, and often choose stairs rather than the lift for that extra exercise. It is hard to think of another activity that would be so accessible to our team members in all countries. πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ

Do you also enjoy an active lifestyle and walking? Or maybe you are more of a VR type of person? We have something for everyone πŸ†

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