How to create an event in the Paysera Tickets self-service system?
How to create an event on the Paysera Tickets platform FREE OF CHARGE?
Yes, you read it right. You can use the Paysera Tickets system completely free of charge if your event is also free. You can conveniently register your guests, the number of which can be limited, check their tickets via the free mobile app, and spread the word about your event.
You do NOT NEED to be a Paysera client to benefit from this. You can access the self-service system via Facebook or Google and use it for a wide range of events – seminars, concerts, training, sporting events, closed events, etc.
Watch the video for step-by-step instructions 👇
How to start selling tickets via Paysera Tickets?
If your event is a paid event and you would like to sell tickets for it, you can also do this quickly and conveniently via Paysera Tickets. However, unlike with free events, you will need to open a Paysera account in order to sell your tickets via Paysera Tickets. You can do this completely free of charge. Follow the instructions >
Once you have opened an account, you will need to create a payment gateway project. How to do this?
Once you've completed all the steps, you can create your event, set ticket prices and start selling tickets.
Watch the video for step-by-step instructions 👇
What is Paysera Tickets?
Paysera Tickets is a self-service event ticketing system available for free or at very competitive prices. You can create or customize your own discount codes and offer special promotions. You will receive the money for your ticket sales instantly and your customers will be able to pay with the most popular payment methods with no additional fees.