Paysera is a global online platform for digital payment services for individuals and companies. Paysera Group included as partner network in Lituania, Latvia, Estonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Albania, Kosovo, Ukraine and Georgia.


This initial public offering (IPO) on the "BEAM" growth market of the Bulgarian Stock Exchange is for ordinary shares of "Paysera Bulgaria" JSC. Paysera Bulgaria JSC owns 95% of Paysera Romania SRL. The companies in Bulgaria and Romania operate in partnership and under the license for Еlectronic Мoney Institution (EMI) of Paysera Lithuania .

The primary goals of the IPO are to: meet the capital requirements for licensing the company by the local regulator, strengthen and expand operations.


Filip Mutafis

Filip Mutafis
Co-founder, majority shareholder, member of the Board of Directors and CEO of Paysera Bulgaria and Romania

Director for Bulgaria of the crowdfunding company Heavy Finance.
Founder and Managing Partner of numerous technology companies: Dynamic Solutions, Balkanservices.
Member of the Supervisory Board of the Bulgarian Association of Software Companies, the Bulgarian Fintech Association, and the Bulgarian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Martin Bogdanov

Martin Bogdanov
Shareholder and Chairman of the Board of Directors

Deputy CEO of Paysera Network
Co-founder and CEO of Paysera Bulgaria JSC (2016-2023).
Managed and held leadership positions in Eurobank, Alfa Bank, Municipal Bank, and FIBank Albania.
Extensive experience at the Bulgarian National Bank.
Advisor to the Supervisory Board of the Bulgarian Banking Association.
Member of the Supervisory Board of the Association of Industrial Capital in Bulgaria.

Tsvetomir Doskov

Tsvetomir Doskov
Shareholder, Member of the Board of Directors

Co-founder, Partner, and CEO of Sirma Business Consulting and Member of the Supervisory Board of Sirma Group Holding JSC.
Over 30 years of experience in the finance, insurance, banking, payments, and regulatory reporting sectors.
Extensive experience in leadership positions in the banking sector: UniCredit Bulbank, Allianz, HVB Bank Biochim, Hebros Bank, and Bulgarian National Bank.


Пейсера България АД КОНСОЛИДИРАН ФИНАНСОВ ОТЧЕТ към 30.06.2024 г.

СПРАВКИ междинни на консолидирана основа по образец утвърден от КУ на пазар BEAM за емитенти на ценни книжа, чиито емисии са допуснати до търговия на пазар BEAM

Доклад за дейността на Пейсера България АД към консолидирания отчет на дружеството към 30.06.2024г.



Доклад за дейността на Пейсера България АД към междинния индивидуален отчет на дружеството към 30.06.2024г.

Съобщение за успешно IPO

1.Paysera IPO BEAM presentation EN

2.Paysera One pager BEAM EN

3.Articles of association

4. Board of directors report

5. Board of director minutes 10.10.23

6. Minutes General Meeting Shareholders 18.12.23
7. Board of directors minutes 18.12.23

Activities report to the Consolidated financial report for 2023 - Paysera Bulgaria JSC

Announcement BEAM IPO Paysera BG

Activities report to the Individual financial report for 2023 - Paysera Bulgaria JSC

Activity Report to the Consolidated Statement 2022
Activity Report to the Individual Statement 2022

BEAM Admission letter Paysera

Consolidated financial report for 2023 - Paysera Bulgaria JSC

Consolidated financial statement- 31.12.2022

Document for admission BEAM

Independent Auditor_s Report to the Consolidated financial report for 2023 - Paysera Bulgaria JSC

Independent Auditor_s Report to the Individual financial report for 2023 - Paysera Bulgaria JSC

Individual financial report for 2023 - Paysera Bulgaria JSC

Individual Financial Statement - 31.12.2022

Paysera How to Invest Instruction_EN

Report of Independent Auditor to the Consolidated Financial Statement for 2022

Report of Independent Auditor to the Individual Financial Statement for 2022


Paysera Bulgaria JSC
84 "Ami Boue" Str., Fl. 4,
Sofia 1612, BULGARIA
+359 882 00 89 41